Monday, September 21, 2009


Hey there Spidey fans.

I don't know how or why you've found it but...Welcome to my blog!

Firstly 'Rypinions' is a clever merging of my name, Ryan, and the word "opinions". So right off the bat you know you're in intelligent, caring and slightly chubby hands.

So yeah, I'm gonna spout off a bunch of crap about things you may, or may not, care to read about. I'm not claiming to be the brightest bulb in the....bulbery? But I have my opinions and I thought it might be a hoot to see how sharing them with a bunch of strangers works out. Plus I'll try and keep it all lighthearted and funny so those who disagree with me can sit back laugh and think "My my my.....that Ryan is a humorously incorrect scallywag, oh what harmless comedic fun". You know, the same way Republicans and Fox see Jon Stewart and the Daily Show.

Oh and I wont only be posting my opinions, GOD NO!! That would be mighty boring wouldn't it? I'll also post anything I think may be of interest to whoever you may be. Things like clips, stories and pictures. You name it, and as long as what you name is one of the 3 I just mentioned, I'll post it!

So, to get the party started. Here's something that has warmed my heart for many years. I don't think I can laugh hard enough at this. I wish it were longer!!!

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